Place-Based Storytelling

[h2] Story Spots [/h2] – Click locations to see sites

[toggle title=”New Mexico Spots”] White Sands Missile Range Museum The New Mexico Museum of Space History

The Lodge, Cloudcroft, New Mexico[/toggle] [toggle title=”Washington, D.C. Spots”] National Air & Space Museum [/toggle] [toggle title=”NYC Spots”] Center for Jewish History

Leo Baeck Institute [/toggle]

[toggle title=”Texas Spots”] El Paso Train Station Camino Real Hotel

Fort Bliss[/toggle] [toggle title=”Germany Spots”]The Peenemünde Historical Technical Museum[/toggle]

[divider] [h2] Story Trails [/h2] – Interactive Narratives Elements

[icon_box icon=”book” title=”Related Archives & Books”] Related links [/icon_box] 
[icon_box icon=”bubbles” title=”Related Quotes of the Time”] Popular Culture of the Day in Quotes[/icon_box] 
[icon_box icon=”bulb” title=”Activity Ideas”] Activities related to the “Letter From Cloudcroft” filmic journey [/icon_box] 
[icon_box icon=”cabinet” title=”Maps”] Online mapping tools [/icon_box] 
[icon_box icon=”calendar” title=”Events”] Events related to storyline locations[/icon_box] 
[icon_box icon=”cart” title=”Rockets, Space & Stuff Like That”] Places to purchase related rocket & space stuff as well as quality Letter Writing Resources[/icon_box] 
[icon_box icon=”chemical” title=”Science Toolbox”] Toolbox of online science & engineering resources[/icon_box]
[divider] [one_fifth][icon_box icon=”link” title=”Links”] Resource related links [/icon_box] [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”mail” title=”Letter Locations”] Tagging of locations based on letter references in the film[/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”map” title=”Maps”] Unique location maps related to the letters and film’s journey. [/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”presentation” title=”Flicks”]Films, documentaries and online stories about covered or related topic of the film [/icon_box][/one_fifth] [divider] [one_fifth][icon_box icon=”clock” title=”Interactive Timeline”] Timeline of historic events featured in film.[/icon_box] [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”company” title=”Colleges & Universities”] NYC’s famous City College, NMSU [/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”eye” title=”Sites to Visit”] Locations to visit related to the film [/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth][icon_box icon=”globe” title=”Global Impact”] Events around the world related to historic events covered in the film [/icon_box] [/one_fifth] [divider] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”image” title=”Place-Based Photos”]Photo collections based on film and transmedia stories[/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”ipad” title=”iPad related App”] iPad related apps. [/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth_last][icon_box icon=”iphone” title=”iPhone Related App”] iPhone Related Apps [/icon_box] [/one_fifth_last] [divider] [one_fifth][icon_box icon=”pages” title=”Documents”] Related documents from film locations[/icon_box] [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”paperclip” title=”Project Paperclip”] Public domain documents related to this once covert operation [/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth][icon_box icon=”phone” title=”Phone Numbers”] Information phone numbers for locations in the film[/icon_box] [/one_fifth] [divider] [one_fifth][icon_box icon=”suitcase” title=”Trip Essentials”] What to take following the unique trails film’s journey[/icon_box] [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”tags” title=”Tags”] Place-Based Tag Clouds [/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth][icon_box icon=”write” title=”Writing Place”] Examples and resources for writing about place[/icon_box] [/one_fifth] [divider] [one_fifth] [icon_box icon=”users” title=”People Resources”] Historic and present day profiles and locations of people featured or referred to in the letters or the film[/icon_box][/one_fifth] [one_fifth][icon_box icon=”vcard” title=”Contacts”] Contacts related to the film and transmedia project[/icon_box] [/one_fifth]